mcnab75 Oct 31, 2011 07:53
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mcnab75 Apr 11, 2011 07:17
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mcnab75 Mar 29, 2011 07:22
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mcnab75 Dec 03, 2010 07:31
stephen king, graphic novel, catastrofismo, recensioni, recensione, fumetti
mcnab75 Mar 25, 2010 15:37
stephen king, luoghi misteriosi, scrittura
mcnab75 Oct 31, 2009 09:04
stephen king, fantahorror, recensioni, horror, recensione
mcnab75 Sep 29, 2009 15:24
stephen king, riflessioni, george a.romero
mcnab75 May 18, 2009 14:41
l'estate della paura, riflessioni, dossier, eraldo baldini, stephen king, romanzi, dan simmons, horror
mcnab75 Feb 20, 2009 15:48
stephen king, al crepuscolo, recensioni, horror, recensione
mcnab75 Feb 09, 2009 15:46
stephanie meyer, stephen king, polemica king meyer, romanzi, polemiche, horror, scrittura